Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Matt's Thunk - number 1

Matt's Thunk -  number 1

I started a conversation tonight with a student, age 11, who attends a very good secondary school.  Have a read:

:-) Happiness in education:

Me: Do you enjoy school?  Are you happy?

Student: Yeah.  I'm happy

Me:  Do you have lessons that you come away from thinking . . . yeah, that was Ok, enjoyed it, nothing special. . .?

Student: Yes.   

Me: So you're happy with school?

Student: Yeah!

Me: How many lessons a week do you come away from thinking . . .  that was boring, didnt' understand that, or what was the point of that hour?

Student: about 1 or 2 lessons a week

Me: How many lessons a week do you come away from thinking . .  that was great, amazing, loved it, learned loads, want more of that?

Student: about 2 to 3 lessons a week.

:-( This makes me sad.  (and this student is at a very good school!)

During a week, this 11 year old student (at this very good school) is still having a couple of lessons a week that are boring, and don't have any relevance to the student.  I think they have 6 lessons a day - so about 30 lessons a week.  About 7% of a week is wasted time. On the bright side, 10% of the time spent at school is really interesting and this student want's to learn more.

7% of school time, out of 40 weeks in a year is . . . . wait for it . . .  (reaching for calculator) . .  2.8 =  3 weeks of their time at school a year is wasted, boring, and no point . . . yet . . . THEY ARE HAPPY!!!!!?????

So when teachers ask students, are they happy, and they respond "yes",  is this good enough?

Teacher misses a trick!

A bit later, the student offered some more thought:

Student: "I've been thinking . . . there are some lessons which are really fun, and I love it, and would like to go back again . . . . but what was the point? - I didn't learn anything."

Me: Can you give me an example?

Student: A lesson yesterday.  Great fun.  Teacher listed 15 things we could take to a dessert island.  I  had to choose just 5 things to take.  Then I had to share my list with a friend and we decided our top 5.  We then had to share with another pair and agree our top 5.  We then had to tell the class and explain why we had chosen them.

Me: Sounds fun!

Student:  Yes . . . . but when would I ever be stuck on a desert island???  In fact none of us will probably ever get stuck on a dessert island!

The teacher had missed the most important part of the lesson - What did you learn?  What skills did you use and develop?  When might you use those skills as an adult, or in your exams, or with your friends?  Who found it hard?  What got in the way? . . . .

So, final thoughts:

1. Students can be happy with their learning - even if for 3 weeks of the year they are wasting theirs, and their teachers' time.  Should we be satisfied with this? . . . . NO - not as a student, not as a teacher, not as a school, not as a parent.

2. Students can have fun . . . if they have fun they will join in, want to come back, tell their friends - but it is the teachers job to make sure they learn something from the fun - that they value this learning . . . . .

If teachers made sure they don't miss the trick after fun, then the student might turn round soon and say:

"Most of my lessons are great, amazing, love it, learn loads, and want more of that.  Sometimes lessons are OK.  Hardly ever are they boring".

If more students said this, I believe we will getting closer to a better standard of education and developing young adults to their full potential.

Final quote:  from a student survey - I would love to see this more often about education:

"I attend my course every Monday through to Wednesday.  When I finish Wednesdays, I wish the rest of the week and weekend would be over quickly.  I love my course."

1 comment:

  1. Brilliance in teaching is governed by the mindset of the teacher.
    Learners feedback on their learning is key in creating a reflective teacher and engaged learner.
